- 21st March – 11th November
The Archabbey of Pannonhalma invited contemporary artists to give different interpretations of silence, the topic of the year in the Abbey, by their pieces of art specially created for this exhibition. The invited artists started from their experiences in Pannonhalma, the discussions with the monks and the students, the comparison of their own image of silence and what they found here, sometimes from the seemingly dramatic differences of these and the presence and the absence of silence.
We tend to think that silence is a feature of Pannonhalma: it is so closely bound to life in the Abbey that it is also easy to forget how many things are needed to have it naturally. How much attention, commitment, how many voices and listening. The exhibited pieces of art provide the opportunity to learn about this while leading the viewer through silences which may be deep, involuntary, lonely or shared with others.
Exhibitors: Sári Ember, Krisztián Kristóf, Bence György Pálinkás, Judit Flóra Schuller, Dominika Trapp
Trustee: Nikolett Eőss
The exhibition is organised by the Cultural Office of the Archabbey of Pannonhalma for the Silence2019 year.
The exhibition is open free of charge in the Archabbey Exhibition Hall between 21st March and 11th November 2019.