Midday prayer and Sunday Vesper

We warmly invite guests and tourist groups to the midday prayer at 1pm every day and Sundays to the Vesper at 5pm in the basilica. During this 15-minute period everyone can participate in the worship as they wish: standing in the western part of the church in silence – or being seated in the pews with gestures of prayer and singing psalms.

As ordered by the founder, King Saint Stephen, the community in the Saint Martin’s monastery in Pannonhalma prays daily for Hungary. For a thousand years the intention of the daily Conventual Mass has been pro stabilitate regni nostri – as written in the Letters of Decree.

Since the decision of the monastic community in 2014, we also pray for our country within the daily midday prayer. In this prayer we offer to God the concerns and joys of the people around us. At the end of the prayer we answer with the traditional Greek exclamation: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison!, meaning Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

On Lent Fridays, the midday prayer begins at 3pm. Following the psalms we also chant the Miserere.